What is the origin of evil?

Selfishness and ill intent. 

July 13, 2018


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What is the origin of evil?

Evil is the other side of the coin in that instead of serving communal survival, it serves individual interests. In hard times animals and early humans had to scrounge for sustenance, and hoard if possible for the harsh winter months. The more you have, the higher the chances you will survive to see another day. Steal your neighbor's bread and they might not survive, but you will. We have this inherent drive for more, no matter what period in history. More money, more things, more entertainment. Greed and power offer security, theyre the warm blankets that protect us from cold struggle. It doesnt matter how much "progress" we claim to make as a society, our core primal instincts will show one way or another. Today we can call a loved one on the opposite side of the world from a small handheld slab, transmitting the signal through satellites floating in space. We are so advanced, such progress. At the same time, in the same world, some bankers embezzle millions from others, there's genocide, murder, theft, even entire economies ruined to fill someone's pockets. The same story has repeated itself through history and we dont seem to get any better at getting rid of it, so I dont think we ever will. Evil is part of our DNA in the same way Good is.


What is the origin of evil?

Selfishness-- people wanting something that benefits themselves, without being able to understand someone else's wants, and not being able to compromise on that discrepancy

December 14, 2018

What is the origin of evil?

Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

July 24, 2018

What is the origin of evil?

Prejudice is a burden that confuses the past, threatens the future and renders the present inaccessible.

July 24, 2018

What is the origin of evil?

The strategic adversary is fascism... the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.

July 24, 2018